securely share, transfer and register
ownership of your CAD files using blockchain

About CADChain

We are the guardians of design data.
Our software as a service solution acts as a bodyguard that travels with your files. The bodyguard plugin protects your files from unauthorized access and tracks every interaction with the file.
CAD data protection based on blockchain

Problems we Help with

The 5 main problems with sharing CAD data
1. No status control over the CAD file once it is sent out
When a file is shared, it is now impossible to unshare this data, when a partner, employee, or supplier turns out to be a bad fit.

"The CAD file is like a genie: once it is let out, it is gone."
2. NDAs are signed for external files, but not with everyone who gets access to a CAD file
Traditional NDAs don’t cover everyone who gets access to CAD files. There is no control over the contracts the other party has with their collaborators, still, they will be sharing your files with other parties!

"I was not aware that my contractor had a subcontractor! Imagine my reaction when I found my design on this random website!"
3. Lack of control over what data is exchanged between employees and contractors
Every time a CAD file is shared and stored somewhere, it creates another liability. Since you cannot track these files, control is gone the moment the data leaves the company.

"My intellectual property = my finances. I wish I would have full control over it so I could sleep tight."
4. A human error that causes a file to be sent to a competitor rather than a client can be disastrous.
Researchers from Stanford University found that approximately 88 percent of all data breaches are caused by an employee mistake.

"Oh! I just sent my design to a competitor! Is there any way to get it back?!"
5. Conventional legal system of IP protection does not provide definitive security for digital assets
The current intellectual property rights system that consists of patents, copyrights, trademarks, is inherently outdated — it was never meant for the data economy.

Getting a patent can last up to several years and cost tens of thousands of euros. Moreover, patenting is not fit for new technology like 3D printing.

Copyright is hard to enforce seeing as the burden of proof lies with the infringed party. In this complex situation, evidence of infringement is hard to obtain.

This presents a huge issue because your evidence is what will ultimately ensure your success in the courtroom.The worst part is that most IP rights are territorial and are valid only for a certain period of time.

"I abide by the IP protection law but I'm never sure if my IP has full protection in the digital world."

How these problems are experienced?

CAD data kept as trade-secret leads to loss of potential income or too high prices for customer.
Take down procedures require the IP owner to prove ownership, gathering documentation takes time.
  • CAD data protection based on blockchain
    Time wasted negotiating contracts
  • CAD data protection based on blockchain
    Contracts get breached anyway
  • CAD data protection based on blockchain
    Not able to easily verify if the signer is allowed to sign and is trustworthy
  • CAD data protection based on blockchain
    Waiting for the verdict is slow, and costly
  • CAD data protection based on blockchain
    You get a hefty bill from your lawyer
  • CAD data protection based on blockchain
    It takes between 9 - 18 month to discover IP theft

CADChain has a Solution

We protect your CAD files from unauthorized access and track every interaction with the file

Benefits you get

CAD data protection based on blockchain
Technically protect your designs/CAD data from unauthorized access
Meet CADPlug, a plugin that is added on top of CAD software and provides end-to-end IP protection of a CAD asset right from within the software through a Blockchain protocol protected by state-of-the-art encryption.
CAD data protection based on blockchain
Legally protect your designs, avoid a long legal contracting process
Digital legal contracting is integrated into our CADPlug. Ricardian contracts (machine and human readable legal smart contracts) take care of licensing and contracting (signing of NDAs and other agreements).
CAD data protection based on blockchain
License your design data and monetize your Intellectual Property
Licensing of your design data is integrated into the CADPlug. This means, you can sell the license for your design to a client for the duration of 1 year and be sure it will not be disclosed to any other party.

Explore Our Features

Let's watch how it works in real life
BORIS and CADTrack test with Autodesk Inventor - Our solution consists of a plugin on top of the CAD system (like Autodesk Inventor) that takes care of IP protection (CADPlug), and a web interface to allow data tracking and design licensing (BORIS).
What are we creating?
CADPlug/BORIS is a SaaS solution that aims to improve the storage and exchange safety of industrial design data by providing end-to-end security with access restrictions, permissions, insights, tracking, and a customized contracting system.
Storing your valuable CAD data in a digital vault does not provide 100% security as you have to share it for business purposes. And once your design is shared, there is no control over it, and it is at risk of being stolen.
There is no need to worry about it anymore. We protect your IP rights during collaboration. Automated licensing allows for the monetization of your 3D models that are currently almost never re-used.
Will you store my CAD files on the blockchain?
NO. We will not have any access to your CAD assets. The CAD files can be stored wherever the owner chooses. The plugin will create a DIGITAL TWIN of the CAD file and track all the events related to it and store the data about these events on the blockchain.
Decentralized blockchains are immutable, which means that the data once entered is irreversible. And blockchain has proven to be suitable for tracking data (and this has been verified by the European Commission), meaning that all events happening to a CAD file will be linked to the IP owner.

Creating a digital twin on the blockchain would mean that all information regarding CAD files can be saved immutably.
What is a smart contract? The use of Blockchain for data tracking has been verified by the European Commission. We go a step further by designing a GDPR compliant.
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CADChain Blog
With our strong legal and technological background, 
you'll know how to protect your CAD files and trade secrets.
    CAD data protection based on blockchain
    Let's talk about the future of CAD data and intellectual property
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    Looskade 20, 6041LE Roermond The Netherlands

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